
What is PRP treatment?

PRP facial treatment is a method in which a part of your blood is used for the purpose of refreshing, rejuvenating the entire face and smoothing the natural wrinkles on the face. Specifically, with a special blood centrifugation technique, the plasma is separated, the liquid part of the blood through which the blood elements circulate, which is rich in platelets.

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is plasma that contains more platelets than normal. It consists of two components, plasma – the liquid part of the blood and platelets – blood elements that, in addition to the function of coagulation (blood clotting), also contain growth factors that stimulate cell reproduction and stimulate tissue regeneration, that is, they support the healing process. .

The plasma applied to the face encourages cell proliferation, which leads to increased production of elastin and collagen, as a result of which the skin looks firmer and smoother.


Description of treatment

The treatment begins with the standard procedure of drawing 8 ml. blood, which is placed in a separate test tube and centrifuged. With the centrifugation procedure, plasma is isolated from the blood with platelets containing growth factors, which stimulate cell growth and help the process of regeneration and repair. The plasma obtained in this way contains 5-7 times more platelets than normal blood.

Before the very beginning of the treatment, a local anesthetic is applied in the form of a cream to numb the injection sites and make the procedure itself more pleasant for the patient.

PRP is applied by injection anywhere on the face where it is needed to allow the platelet-rich plasma to penetrate deeper into the skin, using needles that are thin and short. With the microtrauma, the physiological healing process is further encouraged. The growth factors at the time of injection stimulate the stem cells which also stimulate the creation of collagen and elastin in the skin.

Depending on the effect we want to achieve, PRP is injected into the shallower or deeper layers of the skin.

The entire procedure takes about half an hour to an hour, depending on which parts of the face are being treated.

After the procedure, there may be minimal tenderness, redness or small bruises that disappear quickly.


Preparation before PRP treatment. What should be paid attention to?

A few days before the treatment, it is recommended to pay attention to the diet, in order to obtain better quality plasma:

– to consume more vegetables and fruits

– to avoid foods rich in fat

– to drink more liquids

– to avoid alcohol consumption


Advantages of PRP treatment:

Main advantages of PRP treatment are:

– They change the appearance of your face in a positive sense, that is, it improves the texture, volume, complexion of the skin, reduces the appearance of natural wrinkles on the face

– There is no risk of allergic reactions, because the plasma comes from your own body

– Pain and discomfort are minimal

– The procedure is short


Are there side effects of PRP treatment?

The very fact that one’s own blood is used, there is no risk of allergic reactions.

It is possible to have a minimal swelling of the area where PRP was applied immediately after the application, which disappears in a short time, in a few days.

Redness is a normal, immediate reaction to the activated platelets in the skin and disappears in a few days. Also, the bruises that may appear in some places disappear in a few days.

There is no pain, there may be mild discomfort after the end of the intervention itself, which lasts a short time.


How many treatments are needed?

The number of PRP treatments required depends primarily on what we want to achieve, what our goals are and your expectations from the entire treatment. Typically 3 or more treatments are required at 4-6 week intervals, so you can expect results to last up to two years.


Are the results of PRP immediately noticeable?

Considering that the natural protective mechanisms of the own body are used, it takes time for visible results from PRP treatments. It takes about 3 months to produce collagen, but the first thing that is noticed shortly after the first treatment is an improvement in the elasticity and texture of the skin, which over time becomes even more pronounced with each subsequent treatment.

Factors that reduce the effectiveness of treatments are smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, stress and general poor health.


Can and is it safe to combine PRP treatment with others?

For faster, better and longer-lasting results, PRP treatments are often combined with hyaluronic fillers, Botox or collagen.

Hyaluronic fillers allow the restoration of skin volume in areas where it has been lost over the years. On the other hand, platelet-rich plasma helps maintain those results by activating natural regenerative processes. PRP treats skin problems that filler alone cannot correct, such as fine lines, acne or uneven skin texture. These two treatments alone give good results, but in combination with each other they give even longer lasting results.


In which patients is it recommended?

PRP treatment can be used in patients who:

-have acne scars, hyperpigmentation

-want to reduce natural wrinkles on the face and improve the appearance of the face

– they have dry skin

– they want to prolong the beginning of the natural aging process of the skin

– they want to increase their self-confidence


PRP treatment is not recommended for patients who:

– have blood diseases or receive anticoagulation therapy

– have an active infection

– have certain skin diseases

– have anemia

– pregnant women


Recommendations after treatment

At least 5 hours after PRP application, it is recommended not to wash the face, to avoid exposing the treated parts of the face to direct heat and to avoid activities that would increase sweating (intense physical activity, direct exposure to the sun, sauna, etc.)


Post treatment maintenance – success how to make the treatment successful

In order to prolong the results of PRP treatment, there are several things that can be practiced at home:

– Daily application of a cream with a protective factor against UV rays

– Daily application of skin care products that do not irritate the skin

– Drinking water to improve the hydration of the skin as well

– A healthy and balanced diet that contains all macro and micronutrients, rich in antioxidants and vitamins helps to slow down the natural aging process of the skin.


With this detailed blog, we have tried to explain in  detail certain questions that are most often asked in our practice. For more detailed information and an appointment for a review and consultation or an application of PRP – call us : 078 254 030 or 02 3239 360.